
Fast Fact Friday—Personal History in Depth #3

Hooray, it’s Friday!  It’s time to get a little bit closer to getting your personal history done in depth with this week’s Fast Fact Friday!

This Is Me Challenge Fast Fact Friday Personal History in Depth

This week we are going to focus on “The Teenage Years”!  Remember, these prompts  are starting points and it’s up to you to decided how much you want to go into depth.  You can spend as much time as you want to on each of these, sharing stories about your answers, or just write simple answers! 

Don’t forget, you can use these questions to interview older loved ones as well! Smile

1. What activities and hobbies did you participate in? (Sports, arts, academics, etc.)

2. When did you learn to drive?  What kind of car did you learn on?

3.  Who were some of your best friends?  What did you do together?

4.  What was your dating life like?  Did you have a girl/boy friend?

5.  What jobs did you have? (For money or chores at home?)

Okay, that’s it for this week!  Get some of your story written today! Smile

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