
Fast Fact Friday #24

It’s time for another round of Fast Fact Friday!!!  (Though, since it’s 9 pm, it should be Fast Fact Saturday, since it’s Saturday for most of the world already…)

This time of year is a busy birthday time for my family…my birthday was 2 weeks ago, my son’s was last week, his party was today, and then we have a niece and nephew coming up in the next week, so with birthdays on my mind I figured a Fast Fact Friday was perfect!

Here are your questions:

1. What was your favorite birthday ever?

2.  Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?  (And were you truly surprised?)

3.  What is something you love about your birthday each year?

4.  What don’t you like about your birthday?

5.  Do you have any birthday traditions?

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Here’s a quick look at my answers, if you care to know!

1.  My 23rd birthday was probably my favorite.  My mom surprised me at dinner by secretly inviting one of my favorite friends to dinner.  I got a Discman (yes, you may be able to date me by that!), and a couple of cute sweaters that I really wanted!

2. Nope, but I’ve thrown quite a few…my favorite kind to throw!

3.  All the well-wishes. 

4.  I always hated the fact that it was back to school time, and money in my family was tight (my dad was a school teacher and I’m the oldest of 6).  I always got school clothes and supplies for my birthday while my siblings got cool things on their b-days AND school stuff.  I was always jealous that I didn’t get both.  Plus, it was always such a busy time, most people forgot about my special day. 

5.  I don’t really have any that I do with my family, but when I was a kid, my grandparents would take us out for lunch and let us pick our own present! 

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