
Fast Fact Friday #2

Hooray, it’s Friday!  Among other things (like the weekend), I’m excited for another round of Fast Factness!  (That’s a word, right?)

I thought it’d be fun to have a theme this week, and chose food.  It’s always a good theme, right?

1.  How do you like your chocolate?

2.  What dessert or treat can you never say “no” to?

3.  What is your favorite meal?

4.  Which food do you dislike the most?

5.  What do you think the healthiest thing is in your pantry right now?

Now go get answering! 

If you decide to post your answers on your blog, put this button on the bottom of your post to send your friends and family this way, and let them share in on the fun!

This Is Me Challenge: Fast Fact Friday

Here are my answers, short and simple: 

1.  Dark.  Love, love love it!  (Plus they say in moderation it’s healthy!)

2.  Ice cream.  Especially vanilla.  (I’m boring, I know.)

3.  Baked salmon, rice and steamed broccoli.

4.  Umm, mushrooms and bananas are tied.  I can’t stand the smell, taste or texture of either. 

5.  Probably flax seed.

1 comment:

Laura T. said...

Will be posting to my blog. Thanks for the questions.