
Recording the Everyday

Keeping track of your personal history in subjects—like the challenges on the TIMC—and recording important events in your life are wonderful things to do.  But something that I think is equally important is recording your everyday life!  Yes, some days can seem boring and mundane, trust me, I know…but it’s still important to record!

For the last two years I have done “Project Life”.  I’m sure there are some fellow “Project Lifers” who read this blog (Hi!), and I’m sure some who’ve never heard of it (Hi to you too!).  (I am not being paid, by the way, to write about this.  It’s just something I do and love to use to help me capture the everyday life I live right now, plus it has replaced my yearly scrapbook.)  

The jist of Project Life is this:  you take one picture everyday of anything (big, small, exciting, boring, mundane, funny, etc.) and write a little journaling about what is going on in it.  There are no rules to this though, so you don’t have to take a picture every day. You can put bits of life in the pockets instead (receipts, tags, spelling tests, love notes, etc.)  It’s just a fun way to get a great view of the everyday life of you and your family!

Here’s a look at a few pages from my album this year:
This is one week’s worth of pictures and journaling.  Just random stuff—one son making a card, the twins getting into trouble, a view out my window, my oldest jumping on the trampoline, a collage of notes the older two left all over the house when playing “spies”, the day my oldest got his tonsils out, and finally getting sand in the sandbox—nothing too big that I’d ever make a scrapbook page about it, but just a look into things that happened in one week of my life!


I love that it just records a little bit about plain ol’ regular life!  And my kids love looking through this album!  They will look at the pictures and say, “I remember when…”  I’m sure these albums will be something the kids fight over when I die.
I’m not going to go into depth explaining the products available, you can go here to see that if you wish.  If you’re not sure, here are some videos all about it, and then you can look at the products.  (There is a paper version like what I have done, or you can do a digital version that you can add to everyday.)  

If something like this seems like too much, you can always do it by month, or even by theme. (You can follow this model and DIY, but the kit does make it REALLY easy!)

So, I encourage you to somehow start recording the little everyday things in your life! 

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