
Challenge #24—One For the Money

This week’s challenge is one of a serious nature.  We all need money and some people have more, others have less.  No matter how much of it you have, it’s still important to manage it wisely. (This is something that I think would be fun to read about my grandparents, since they all lived in the depression, and I know they were all pretty tight with it.)

The challenge:  How do you feel about money?

You can record your actual budget right now, share how you save for your family, record your philosophy, take note of what you buy.  Do you invest?  Follow a strict budget?  Save, or just go from paycheck to paycheck?  You can even record your plans for the future, or set goals to do better with your budget.

What Rachel did:

“I had a lot of different ideas that I thought about doing for this layout. Saving money and budgeting are very important to me and I get very excited when I talk about all the deals and ways I save money for our family. As I was thinking about this assignment, I went to Kroger to buy groceries and decided to take pictures of some of the products I bought that were on sale that week. I made up a list of some of the websites and the best ways that I’m able to save money, and then asked my husband what he thought. He agreed with everything I had written down and then added about not overspending.  Sometimes that is hard for me because I get caught up with finding the best deals and saving money. I try to be careful by not purchasing something just because it’s a good deal if our family doesn’t need it. I also included a picture of some free samples and products I’ve gotten in the last couple of weeks from Facebook. I love coming home and telling my family what free stuff I got that week!” 

TIMC 1 budget-001

Credits:  All papers and embellishments on the My Memories Suite 2 software.  Pictures by Rachel. (You can get $10 off MMS2 and a $10 credit to their store by copying and pasting the  code: STMMMS4767, and go here!)

What I did:

I just made a simple and quick list of how my husband and I feel about money.


Fonts: Smiley Monster, Myriad Pro

Now I challenge you to record your feelings about money!

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