
More Bonus Challenges

Some weeks there will be bonus challenges.  Usually they will be given in the weeks when the challenge is a fairly simple one.  If you have more time, here are some more ideas that you can use to get a jump start on recording your own personal history in your own way!

-What jobs have you had?  Dates? Responsibilities?  Did you like it or not?

-What life lessons have you learned that you want your children and grandchildren to know about?

-What was your first car?  How did you get it?  What is your dream car?

-What is your routine for doing laundry and other household cleaning?

-How did you decide what you wanted to major in in college?  (Or what you wanted to be when you grow up?)

-Why do you do a certain something?  (Why do you have a certain habit?)

-Who has been the greatest influence in your life?

-How have your religious beliefs defined you as a person?  How did you come to believe?

-What did you do all day as a child?

-What was your favorite birthday?

 -What is your favorite holiday and why?

-How did your parents decide on your name?

-What were your schooling experiences?

-What was your most embarrassing moment?

-Make a list of your favorites.  (Food, color, dessert, movie, book, restaurant, musical group, TV/movie star, athlete, poem, game, fruit, veggie, holiday, TV show, singer, etc.)

-What do you remember about the town you grew up in?

-Who was your favorite relative growing up?

-What games did you play as a child?

-What do you hope to accomplish in the next 5 years?  10 years?

-How did you decide on a favorite color?  How often does it change?

-If you could meet anyone (famous or not so famous) in person, who would it be?