

Challenge #55—Forever Young

Who’s ready for a new challenge today? Today’s is a fun one!

If you could go back to any time in your life, when would it be? 

Now, you can elaborate on whether you’d go back with the knowledge you have now, or exactly how it was.  You can write it out simply or write a novel!  Write about a certain month or year of your life, or an entire period.  Was it a favorite time in your life?  A day you’d love to do over and over because it was perfect?  Or a day to do over to make it perfect?  (Like the movie, ‘Groundhog’s Day.) Think of what it is you loved or didn’t love about that period in time, some of the things you’d do differently, or what you’d do the same.

Here’s a look at what we did, to get your motor running!

What Laura did:

favorite timesDSCF0453

Supplies used: Patterned paper - Pink Paislee.  Borderstrip - K&Company. Diecut – Cricut. On My Own Chipboard - Scenic Route.  "Times" - Making Memories.  House Button, rub-on – Unknown.  Clock rub-ons - 7 Gypsies.

What Allison did:


What I did:

I still don’t have access to my old pictures, so here’s another digi scrap page without pictures.  (Sigh)  I have a bit of catching up to do when I can get to my pictures…but at least the hard part is done for now!

Going Back copy

Supplies: Template, Jessica Sprague.  Papers, Shabby Princess.  Font, Century Gothic.

Now, go start recording your story!   Smile

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