

Bonus Challenge #6—Simple Things

So many times we get so caught up on all that we need to do, that we forget to remember those small things that make us smile.

The bonus challenge: Record at least 5 simple things in your life that make you happy!

You can do this by making a quick list somewhere where you can add to it whenever you think of something.  Sit down for a set amount of time and write what makes you happy until your time is up.  Get out the video camera and record those simple things.  Take pictures of simple moments or things.  However you want to do it!

Last week we were at my oldest son’s flag football game and it was a double-header.  Well, when you’re 4, 2 and 2, watching your big brother play football for 2 hours is NOT so fun.  So, my younger 3 went to the baseball diamond behind the football game and started playing with the dirt.  When I saw them (and the amazing lighting with the sunset and dirt in the air!) I wanted to capture this moment of childhood innocence.   They were running the bases, pretending to be baseball stars.  It was a moment of pure happiness for this mama!


Now I challenge you to go record some of your simple moments of happiness! 


I’m linking up at “The Simple Things” where you can see even more visual inspiration of the simple moments in life.


  1. GREAT photo. Did you intentionally get the rainbow ring on the left side? If so, I would love to know how.

  2. This is great! It brings back childhood memories of watching my brother play football. Love it!

  3. This is such an amazing moment to capture :)

  4. I love this shot! The light is beautiful and it captures such a great moment :)

  5. Love this photo! Such a great moment captured!!

  6. That photo is totally amazing!!

  7. This photo is SO beautiful! :) Thank you for sharing!! Stop by and join us again for {Simple things Sunday} this week won't you? Enjoy your weekend! :) Rebecca
