

Challenge #14—Detailed Favorites

So, I know you’ve all been asked, “What is your favorite color?  Food?  Movie? TV Show? etc.”.  But, has anyone ever asked you, “What is your favorite kind of apple?” or “What is your favorite brand of laundry detergent?”  Maybe, or maybe not…but now I am!

This week’s challenge:  What are some of your detailed favorites?

Here are a few ideas that can get you thinking—

Food:  kinds of apples, candy bars, pasta sauce, licorice, pizza (brand or kind), ice cream, meat, lasagna, vegetable, etc.

Products: toothbrush/paste, soap, shampoo, pens, notebooks, phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.

Around the home: sheets, air fresheners, decorations (for each season), room, towels, place to read/relax, etc.

Clothing: shoes, shirt, jacket, pants, earrings, socks, etc. 

Entertainment: picture/non-fiction/fiction book, magazine, TV comedy/reality show/drama, animated/kids/action/chick flick movie, pop/country/rap/ religious song, video/board/sports game, etc.

This week’s challenge would be a fun one do do with kids every year!  Do it once a year and keep it in the same place, so you can look back from year to year to see how their tastes change!

What I did: 
I made a scrapbook page focusing on just one of my very favorite things: my favorite pair of shoes.  I plan on making a detailed list in Word that I can just add to as I think of things, but for today I just wanted to focus on one thing.

shoes i

Credits:  Template, Jessica Sprague.  Paper, Creativity by Crystal.  Fonts, Cursive Standard (my), Smiley Monster (favorite shoes), and CK Journaling (journaling).

What Kim did: 
(YEAH someone else new to share!  Aren't you so excited?  I love that we both came up with completely different things, yet it still fulfills the challenge!)

Kim created a blog just for these challenges.  She cuts and pastes the challenge at the top of each post, and then answers the question(s) to the challenge. Generally she’ll google search for pictures that represent the challenge, or find her own pictures and I pick 1-5 pictures to post that represent her answer(s). 

She says, “Since I chose to do this one as an example I put up a picture for each answer. And since time is an issue, I only chose 10 things to write about.  I figure capturing even 2 or 3 detailed favorites is better than none at all.  *Tip, it works better if you download the pictures first, then you don't have to cut and paste to get them all put in the right order. You can just type your text after the picture.” 

Animated Film: Tie between 3: Little Mermaid has been my favorite since it came out. I loved hearing Ariel sing. When Beauty and the Beast came out I remember being torn between the two because I liked Beauty and the Beast so much. And call me a sucker for Disney Princess stories, but I also now love the new Tangled movie. I think I like this one because it was me and my four years old's first mommy-daughter date to the movie theater.

Deodorant: Suave- Sweet Pea and Violet: I don't think this is the best working deodorant by any means, but it is the most affordable one that smells great.

Candy Bar: Snickers: When I was about 10 I remember watching the Snickers commercials "Hungry, why wait? Grab a Snicker!" They usually had athletes in these commercials and I wanted to be an athlete--so I ate Snickers. I haven't gotten sick of them yet, and when I need a chocolate fix, I still go for the Snickers.

Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip (Bonus-- in a Waffle Cone): Don't know why, but I like it and its always been my top pick! And Waffle cones are yummy!

Socks: Hanes (with the gray toe and heal): These are the only socks I will buy. I've tried others and these have just been the winners for me!

Shirts: Down East Plain Tee's: I love plain shirts. I love long shirts. These shirts meet both my needs.

Flower: I love Lilies (any kind). I think they are beautiful and it reminds me of my middle name.

Toothpaste: Crest Whitening with Scope: I love the way it makes my mouth feel after I am done brushing.

Cereal: Multi Grain Cheerios: I craved these during during my first pregnancy and have loved them ever since.

Mac and Cheese: Oddly enough, I like Walmart's Great Value brand. Its not overly cheesy like Kraft and not as grainy as any of the other knock off brands.


I now challenge you to go and record some of your detailed favorites! 

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