


I want to welcome all of you new-comers to the "This is Me Challenge”! I’m so excited that you want to get your personal history recorded! Thank you for giving me a reason to share my ideas on fun and unique ways to do this! 

Here are 5 things you might want to know: 

1. A new challenge is issued every Tuesday. (***Edited: It is now the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, so I can keep my sanity!) I try to get it posted in the morning (I’m in Utah, so if you are in a time zone before me, you probably won’t see it until later in the day or on Wed.).   You DO NOT have to do all of the challenges in order--if you are a new-comer, I suggest starting at where we are, and then going back to do previous challenges as your time permits.

2. Don’t feel like you need to do exactly what we have done with the challenges. I am a scrapbooker, so most of my challenges are done this way, the team members vary with what they like to do. I am going to try and do some different ways in the future, just to get out of my comfort zone, I encourage you to do the same...just for fun!

3. There are some tabs on the top to help you. I have put a lot of thought into these (and the challenges). I don’t mind if you just copy and paste those things into a document for personal use. If you are copying this off for a group of people, please put a reference to my blog. Please give credit where credit is due!

4. At the bottom of each challenge are two boxes. One to mark if you are going to take the challenge. The other to mark when you have completed it. I am a list person: I like to make lists and cross them off. I hope this will give you a sense of accomplishment. Plus, it helps me to know that I’m not wasting my time.Winking smile

5. If you like this blog and the idea of it, PLEASE share it with others! I am so excited to share my passion of recording personal history to all who want to get going on theirs too! (Okay, seeing all of you show up here is great too, though numbers are not what’s important.) Post a link on your blog, on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, on your blog list, or by word of mouth!

Thank you all again for taking on this challenge! I hope you’re as excited about it as I am! Smile

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,
    I stumbled across your blog and am so excited to get moving. I cut and pasted the personal history questions into a word doc that will remain open on my computer and I'll answer several each day. I also emailed a copy to my husband so he can do the same thing.
    I probably won't be scrapbooking any of it at this point although I can see these being made into a digital book or photo book at some point.
    Thank you for sharing your passion and talents, It has blessed my life.
